12 proven strategies to reduce churn rates
Reduce churn: Customer churn is one of the most disruptive forces in any marketplace. When companies fail to address customer churn aggressively, they are more likely to be hit with a wave of lawsuits and other financial woes. In this article, we'll look at some of the factors that lead to poor customer retention rates, how to measure customer satisfaction, prevent customer churn, and ultimately improve the customer experience.
Analyzing customer churn rate is challenging, requiring customer data from multiple sources. What is needed is a combination of "data points" from different sources. Let's look at the processes and steps to reduce customer churn rate.

What is Churn Rate?
The churn rate (also known as the customer attrition rate) is the number of people or units who leave an organization. Many organizations such as SaaS companies, human resources, and information technology use the term.
The churn rate refers to the percentage of contractual (or subscribed) customers who discontinue their contractual relationships/subscriptions with a company within a specified timeframe.
How to calculate customer churn rate
All of your monthly recurring revenue (MRR) at the beginning of the month should be divided by the amount of monthly recurring revenue you lost throughout that month—minus any upgrades or additional revenue from existing customers—to get a percentage of churned revenue. If you're trying to figure out how much money you lost overall for the month, don't count any new sales. Existing customers' additional revenue is the profit you've accrued.
Churn rate formula = (Number of customers lost / Total number of customers at the start of time frame) x 100 For example,

Suppose that Firm N content had 500 customers at the beginning of the month and 450 customers at the end of the month. It results in a 10 percent customer churn rate.
Types of Customer Churn
There are two types of churn: voluntary churn and involuntary. While both types of churn lead to a company losing customers, their underlying causes and prevention techniques differ.
A. Voluntary customer churn

The term "voluntary churn" is used when a customer decides to end their subscription to a service. This form of churn is of particular concern to business owners because the customers who leave voluntarily choose to do so. Many factors can influence a customer's decision, but the following are the most common:
There was a mismatch between customer expectations and what they got, and they were left disappointed.
There were issues with your product or service, which prompted the client to look for a better option.
Their curiosity was piqued by a more appealing alternative that better suited their requirements or budget.
Your client is discontinuing operations or going out of business and no longer needs your services.
Customer engagement and pleasure with your product are critical in preventing or reducing churn. To stop the income leak caused by churn, you need to make your products indispensable and provide stellar customer service that they can't live without.
B. Involuntary customer churn

When a company stops providing a service to a customer because they haven't been paid, this is called involuntary churn. Subscriptions are cancelled when a customer's payment attempt fails and is unaware of it. Involuntary churn is caused by the following:
- Expired card
- Payment declines that cannot be reversed in the event of a damaged or stolen card.
- A soft payment decline occurs when a customer's credit card is maxed out.
- Malfunctioning networks.
Optimizing the checkout page and deploying smart running or payment recovery strategies are two ways businesses avoid involuntary churn.
Understanding Customer Churn rate

The churn rate, often regarded as the customer attrition rate or simply customer churn, is the rate at which a customer stops doing business with a company.
Typically, it's expressed as a proportion of active users who decide to quit their subscriptions at some point in the future.
This includes the number of employees who leave their positions over a certain period. An increasing customer base can only be achieved by its growth rate exceeding its customer attrition.
A high churn rate can potentially impact profits and inhibit expansion negatively. The churn rate is an important aspect to consider, especially in telecommunications.
In most cases, many of these organizations compete with one another, making it easy for individuals to switch from one service provider to another.
The churn rate includes customers who switch carriers and those who cancel their service without switching carriers.
This churn metric is particularly useful in subscription-based firms because subscription payments account for most revenue generation.
Depending on the industry, what constitutes a good or bad customer churn rate can differ.
Churn Rate's Advantages and Disadvantages
Calculating a company's churn rate is advantageous because it shows the effectiveness of the company's customer retention rate, which measures both the quality and utility of the service it delivers.
There's something fundamentally wrong with the company's business model if its churn rate continues to rise over time. The product may be defective, the company may have bad customer support, or the product may be unattractive to those who determine the cost is not worth the utility.
The churn rate tells a business where to focus its attention to figure out why customers are departing and the steps to take to reduce churn rates. Understanding your business's quality can help you keep the clients you've worked hard for as paying customers.
The churn rate does not consider the types of customers who are leaving. This is one of its limitations. The most recently acquired clients are the most likely to experience customer deterioration.
A recent promotion at your organization may have piqued the interest of potential clients. It's possible that customers who were testing out the product would decide to terminate their membership after the campaign expired or even if the advantage of the promotion never ended.
A company's ability to retain long-term customers is more important than attracting new ones. In contrast to current customers, long-term customers are more likely to stick around because they've had a positive experience with your services. Instead of assessing the company's quality, a high churn rate in one quarter may indicate a strong growth rate from the previous period.
Using churn rate as an industry comparison is also flawed because it doesn't consider the different sorts of businesses in an industry. In most companies, there is a high customer acquisition rate but a high percentage of customer churn, as recently acquired customers leave.
Customers who have been with a company for a long time tend to stick with them, so the churn rate is lower, but the customer acquisition rate is lower.
Causes of Customer churn
Before considering taking steps to reduce customer churn rate and improve customer loyalty, it is important to first understand the possible causes.
1. Poor onboarding process

Customer Churn rate can be caused by many factors, some of which are unknown. Make an effort to collect and analyze Customer Feedback to determine why more customers have ceased utilizing your products and services. As a result, you can redesign business processes that will assist you in strengthening your relationship with existing clients. Let's take a look at some of the most prevalent causes of lost customers that every firm experiences and some strategies for dealing with them.
When your customers don't think your products are worth their money, it's one of the reasons they leave. There may be a problem with the product or service if your customers cannot identify or appreciate the features. Poor onboarding, where you fail to properly guide new clients on how to use products and services, is the primary cause.
Customer Satisfaction is dependent on a well-executed customer onboarding process. However, improper onboarding might harm your company's growth. Customers will remain loyal to your brand if you consistently go overboard for them.
According to Harvard Business Review research, focusing on onboarding offers can have a considerable long-term influence on revenue churn and customer retention.
2. Average Subscription Length

The subscription length refers to the average amount of time a client pays for a particular product or service during a given period. It is dependent on the service given on how long a typical subscription lasts. Tax preparation software companies find it more convenient to renew their subscriptions on an annual basis rather than every week.
If at all possible, encourage customers to switch to annual contracts. Monthly subscriptions are most likely the most common type of account for your SaaS company.
Monthly subscription billing can be attractive and profitable when it comes to gaining new customers, but it may result in a higher customer churn rate because roughly half of the new monthly subscribers churn during their first month of service.
Because of the turbulence that occurs during the first month, several organizations construct statistics that omit customers who are still in their first month. Companies that operate on a month-to-month basis can often reduce churn by offering a small discount to customers who subscribe for longer periods.
3. Poor Customer service

Customer Churn rate can be caused by many factors, some of which are unknown. Make an effort to collect and analyze Customer Feedback to determine why more customers have ceased utilizing your products and services. As a result, you can redesign business processes that will assist you in strengthening your relationship with existing clients. Let's look at some of the most prevalent causes of lost customers that every firm experiences and some strategies for dealing with them.
When your customers don't think your products are worth their money, it's one of the reasons they leave. There may be a problem with the product or service if your customers cannot identify or appreciate the features. Poor onboarding, where you fail to properly guide new clients on how to use products and services, is the primary cause.
Customer Satisfaction is dependent on a well-executed customer onboarding process. However, improper onboarding might have a negative impact on your company's growth. Customers will remain loyal to your brand if you consistently go overboard for them.
According to Harvard Business Review research, focusing on onboarding offers can considerably long-term influence revenue churn and customer retention.
4. Lack of Continuous Customer Success

A company's ability to consistently customer lifetime value is called customer success. A customer purchases or subscribes to a product or service because it adds value to their lives.
The customer's lifetime value decreases if your organization fails to deliver on the promises made during the sales process upon acquiring a product or service. At the same time, consumer satisfaction will suffer, leading to more churned customers and an increased revenue churn rate.
5. Lack of a Brand Loyalty program
Customers who become devoted to your company's brand are more inclined to spend more money with you or recommend your business to others. As compared to regular consumers, referred customers are significantly cheaper and less time-consuming to obtain.
As soon as the customer has had their first success with the product or service, they are more likely to become devoted customers. When a company's product or service costs are low, it makes it easier for customers to switch providers. Providing a strong onboarding experience and continuous client assistance is once again critical.
12 proven strategies to reduce customer churn rate
Below are the twelve proven strategies to help reduce customer churn rate, prevent customer churn, and retain customers.

1. Examine the factors that contribute to churning
Asking customers about their reasons for leaving your organization is a simple way to discover more about their preferences.
By directly contacting your customers and asking them why they opted to quit, you can gain insight and make a good customer retention strategy. You can also send a follow-up email or perform a survey to re-engage inactive customers at the point of churn.
The first step is to identify the problem by analyzing and studying the factors contributing to customer churn. This will serve as a starting point for establishing a strategy to reduce customer churn issues at your company.
Getting feedback from existing customers
An excellent method to learn how your customers feel about your products, services, and user experience is to solicit feedback.
Your customer success team needs to know what you're up to
Your customer success team will have the most up-to-date information on your customers' needs and expectations. Keep in touch with them frequently to stay abreast of any concerns their clients may be experiencing.
2. New customers onboarding process

New products and services can be intimidating to get started with. Your product or service will likely lose interest in the early stages if the customer cannot find their way around.
There are several ways you can help new customers move into your product or service, but one of the most effective is by creating a new customer onboarding plan or roadmap. Customers will be more satisfied with this strategy since it allows you to control the latest information's pace.
You want to make sure that your onboarding process is regularly monitored and improved, keeping an eye out for any snags or roadblocks that could deter customers from signing up with your company in the first place.
3. Get a competitive edge

Demonstrate your unique selling proposition (USP) to prospective clients to gain an advantage over competitors. In addition, make sure that your services are constant and of a higher standard of excellence.
Consequently, people will learn that they are not merely paying for a commodity that they can buy anywhere, but rather for an experience unlike any other. When dealing with disgruntled customers who are likely to depart your organization within a short period, send your top representatives to the site. They can tell them what they will lose out on if they do not stay with them when they leave.
It's essential to keep an eye on the competitors. You can do several things to keep your firm from being taken down by others if you have a good understanding of your business environment. Keep an eye on your competitors' advertising, product line extension, and more to observe what they're doing. In some cases, you may need to rethink your strategy.
These are some possible measures:
To reduce churn, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of your direct competition. There are many ways you can do this, including market research and surveys and a study of the financial and marketing reporting of the company.
Find out what's going on in the market. Some of these developments may affect your company.
Use trade associations in your area to your advantage. Often, these groups organize meetings and courses that focus on a specific industry. Learn how to raise the visibility of your company's brand in the marketplace with the help of this resource.
4. Build Solid Product Service

You need to develop a creative product strategy if you want to stand out in a sea of many new products. For those who lack ideas, creating a new product can be tough. You'll also have to come up with something new because there are so many options out there that customers find helpful. Talk to your customers and potential customers for ideas.
Developing a high-level product vision after discovering what your customers want is essential. You and your team will be able to take a more strategic approach to product development due to this.
As a result, having a clear product vision will allow you to think about product goals. By prioritizing the goals, you can establish plans for the product's functioning, features, and other aspects of its design.
After identifying the goals, you must prioritize your product roadmap and translate them into explicit details. Comparing your current product vision to your original one is easy when you have a solid strategy and logical development plan. Adjust the product roadmap frequently after assessing your vision.
5. Prioritize most valuable customers

Even though this may sound like a sleight of hand, it's best to prioritize the most valued consumers and go the extra mile to ensure that they get what they've paid for at all times.
Why? The truth is, these are the customers you most desire to retain. Because they generate the most money, valuable clients should be given special attention.
Keeping a running tally of your client interactions will help you see just how involved they are throughout the process, as well as any challenges they encountered with the product and how well you handled them.
To better serve your customers, you can divide them into groups based on factors like profitability, willingness to quit, at-risk customers, and whether or not they will accept your offer to stay. You'll be able to anticipate and reduce customer churn better this way.
6. Identify high-risk customers to reduce churn

You need to identify high-risk customers. Some at-risk customers are more inclined to abandon a firm than others, regardless of the quality of the service they receive.
The most effective strategy to lower your customer churn rate is to target and engage users with high risk and keep them around using a variety of techniques. Look for customers who have complained about a problem and haven't received a sufficient answer. Another option is to contact people you haven't spoken to in a long time.
7. Make use of a quality management system to increase customer satisfaction

It's critical to have a quality management system in place, but simply being compliant isn't good enough. Your company's quality standards must be firmly established throughout the entire organization. Having everyone on the same page on what constitutes a great product is essential for a successful project.
Depending on who you ask, it's either a low-cost or high-tech product. Whatever you think, make sure your employees are continuously reinforcing it. This is how you persuade others of the importance of excellence.
Management must allow employees to participate in the development process to meet your quality standards. Employees who don't feel like they have a voice in a project are less inclined to offer suggestions.
You must get this input because your staff is directly tied to output. Make it possible for employees to voice their concerns about deviations from the product plan or quality standards.
During the product development process, you must provide just the proper coaching to your personnel. The more you micromanage them, the less creative they will be. If you are too lenient, your employees will doubt their ability to make their own decisions.
Your workers should monitor your business processes and schedule meetings where they can present their ideas for change.
8. Target the right customers

Your company's performance and its customers' delight depend on identifying the right target audience. Having a high customer churn rate is almost inevitable if your product does not meet your customers' needs.
Customers are more inclined to cancel free trials or subscriptions if they hear terms like "cheap," "free forever," or "no strings attached" (or right after the trial period expires).
Customer churn will be significantly higher if you use such terms in your marketing communications since they may convert customers who do not purchase the product correctly and do not perceive the value that the product gives.
9. Build Customer Loyalty

Loyalty is something that can't be purchased; it needs to be worked for. We should, however, not take it for granted. Loyal clients should be rewarded for their long-term commitment to your brand through your loyalty programs. Customers will be more likely to stay with you and receive loyalty rewards if you provide them a reason to do so.
Analyze what these loyal customers have in common and what motivates them to remain longer. In some instances, a monetary reward is sufficient, but not always. They have the freedom to select whether or not they want exclusive access to a particular service.
10. Each client should be assigned a Customer Success Representative

The number of customers you have may necessitate assigning each one a dedicated customer success representative.
Customer service can be frustrating if you don't know who to contact when you have a question.
However, the user experience will skyrocket if you have a representative you can email by name, contact on social media channels, or in-app messaging to develop a relationship with and come to trust.
As a result, you'll see a decrease in the customer churn
Each customer success team member should be assigned a specific client to contact, even if they work on many accounts. Customer success representatives can then reach out to the client during the onboarding process to let them know they can help.
You are free to follow suit. Remember that happy customers are more likely to stick around. Each customer should be assigned a dedicated manager accounts, which will ensure a great user experience.
11. Educate the customers

There's a logical progression from the previous point to this churn-prevention strategy.
Retention and customer churn rate can be minimized by providing an abundance of high-quality educational and support materials. Make your consumers feel at ease and knowledgeable by providing free training, webinars, video tutorials, and product demonstrations.
For example, you should provide them with the tools that function and the training to use these things to their maximum potential. Make sure customers get the most out of your products and services by demonstrating their full potential in this way.
12. Make use of customer feedback

Many firms seek product reviews such as customer feedback in the early phases of the connection with customers. However, they neglect old, loyal customers, resulting in unhappiness and a rise in churn. As a result, provide feedback frequently and rectify any difficulties that arise.
High customer churn rates and the difficulties of maintaining clients provide a significant issue for businesses. One method of reducing customer churn is identifying and fixing the issues causing them to leave.
Working with customers in businesses experiencing high churn rates and having difficulty retaining customers is another option to consider pursuing. This enables them to be proactive to avoid churn from taking place. This post also discussed the factors that contribute to high churn and the numerous solutions that may be used to combat the problem.
Examine the factors that contribute to customer churn. Make your product better. Prioritize valuable and some trial users. Concentrate on providing a positive customer experience. Create a customer loyalty program to help you in reducing churn rates. Increase the amount of time you spend with your consumers.
More customers feedback should be collected regularly. It helps in reducing customer churn rate. Keep track of your churn metrics. Improve the efficiency of your customer onboarding process. Provide a dedicated success manager for each client. Customers should be educated. Customers who are at risk should be identified.
What is the customer churn rate?
Customer churn rate, or customer attrition rate, refers to the percentage of customers who discontinue their contractual relationships or subscriptions with a company within a specified timeframe.
How do you calculate customer churn rate?
To calculate customer churn rate, divide the number of customers lost during a specific period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period, and then multiply by 100. The formula is: Churn rate = (Number of customers lost / Total number of customers at the start of the time frame) x 100.
What are the types of customer churn?
There are two types of customer churn: voluntary churn and involuntary churn. Voluntary churn occurs when customers decide to end their subscription or relationship with a company. Involuntary churn happens when a company stops providing services due to non-payment or other reasons.
What are some common causes of customer churn?
Common causes of customer churn include poor customer onboarding processes, dissatisfaction with the product or service, lack of effective customer service, absence of continuous customer success efforts, and the absence of a brand loyalty program.
How can I reduce customer churn rate?
Here are some strategies to reduce customer churn rate:
- Analyze the factors that contribute to churn and gather customer feedback.
- Improve your new customer onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition.
- Develop a competitive edge by showcasing your unique selling proposition.
- Build a solid product or service that meets customer needs and expectations.
- Prioritize your most valuable customers and provide exceptional service.
- Offer incentives, rewards, or loyalty programs to encourage customer loyalty.
- Enhance customer support and address customer concerns promptly.
- Continuously measure and improve customer satisfaction.
- Provide regular updates, product enhancements, and relevant content.
- Personalize communication and engage with customers on multiple channels.
- Implement customer success programs to ensure long-term value.
- Monitor customer health and proactively identify potential churn risks.
How can I measure customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys, feedback forms, Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), or by analyzing customer behavior, usage patterns, and retention rates.
How often should I monitor customer churn rate?
Monitoring customer churn rate should be an ongoing process. It is recommended to track churn rate regularly, such as monthly or quarterly, to identify trends, measure the effectiveness of your retention strategies, and take timely action to reduce churn.