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Local Online Marketing
15 September 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Local Online Marketing: Strategies, Tips, and Examples

Are you a local business struggling to gain the right kind of exposure online? A recent study showed that 46% of all Google searches are for local information. This blog piece is your ultimate guide, armed with proven strategies, practical tips and real-life examples to help you master the art of local online marketing.

Trust us, this is one ride you don't want to miss!

Key Takeaways

  • Local online marketing targets customers in a specific geographic area, using strategies like Google Ads and Facebook ads to increase brand recognition.
  • Benefits of local online marketing include reducing wasted time and money, achieving a higher return on investment, increasing brand loyalty, and opening up potential partnerships with other local businesses.
  • Effective local online marketing techniques include optimizing local SEO, managing customer reviews, utilizing social media and local hashtags, creating localized content, using Google and Bing Ads strategically, retargeting existing customers, and optimizing Google My Business listings.

Understanding Local Online Marketing

Local online marketing, also known as local digital marketing, is a strategic approach businesses use to target potential customers within a specific geographic area. Factors like the rise of mobile searches and growing consumer expectations for personalised experiences have fuelled its importance.

Google Ads and Facebook ads form the backbone of this approach, serving as cost-effective tools for redefining brand recognition.

The essence lies in using location-based strategies to reach consumers in an immediate vicinity. This includes optimising Google Business Profile Listings or leveraging location tags on social media platforms.

It involves techniques such as radius location targeting which allows businesses to reach customers living within a certain distance from their store-fronts. The power of these focused tactics lies in delivering highly relevant content that captures local search intent effectively.

Why Local Online Marketing is Vital

Local online marketing is vital for several reasons. It eliminates the waste of time and money by targeting a specific local audience, resulting in a higher return on investment. Additionally, it increases brand loyalty as customers feel more connected to businesses within their community.

Furthermore, local online marketing opens up opportunities for potential partnerships with other local businesses, allowing for mutually beneficial collaborations.

Less waste of time and money

With a focus on local online marketing, businesses can concentrate their efforts and resources on a smaller, more targeted audience. This specificity reduces scatter-shot approaches that often lead to wasted time and ad spend.

Using digital platforms like Google Ads and Facebook offers cost-effective promotional strategies for local visibility.

The precision of location targeting means advertising dollars are spent reaching customers who are in close proximity or have expressed interest in your business area. Businesses no longer need to blindly cast their nets wide hoping for a catch.

They can now direct their funds towards potential customers within a specific radius with tools such as Google's detailed radius location targeting feature.

Higher return on investment

Local online marketing promises a higher return on investment, making it an appealing strategy for businesses of all sizes. By focusing your advertising spend on specific geographic areas, you increase the likelihood of reaching potential customers who are in proximity to your business and more likely to make a purchase.

Running cost-effective ads like Google Ads or local Facebook ads can effectively drive sales and boost brand awareness among your target audience. Through detailed radius location targeting and location bid adjustments available in Google Ads, businesses can fine-tune their ad performance to maximise conversion rates within their chosen locality.

Hence, by combining these strategies with other local online marketing techniques such as Search Engine Optimization and content marketing, businesses can optimise their advertising budget for maximum impact while reducing unnecessary expenditure.

Increased brand loyalty

Local businesses can significantly boost brand loyalty through local online marketing efforts. This strategy creates an opportunity for companies to connect with their customers at a personal level.

Running personalised ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook enables businesses to stay in the minds of their local consumers continuously. It increases familiarity, which consequently leads to stronger trustworthiness and customer loyalty.

For instance, incorporating features such as proximity from the store in mobile ads tends to attract more nearby clients who prefer supporting neighbourhood enterprises. Also, leveraging remarketing techniques can help firms engage with customers who have previously interacted with your business while encouraging them leave positive reviews that strengthen the company’s reputation in the community.

Potential for local partnerships

Local partnerships serve as a potent tool in your local digital marketing arsenal. Businesses often team up with other complimentary businesses to cross-promote each other, expanding their reach and tapping into new customer segments.

For example, a gym might partner with a local health food store for mutual referrals. Joint marketing initiatives can thus amplify the effectiveness of individual efforts, resulting in increased brand visibility and customer engagement.

Notably, collaboration extends beyond commercial entities - partnering with influencers or bloggers helps you leverage an already captive audience interested in your area of operation.

Similarly, aligning with charities or non-profit organisations not only drives awareness but also presents your business as socially responsible to potential customers across different regions and areas.

Top Local Online Marketing Techniques

In this section, we will discuss the top local online marketing techniques that can help businesses improve their visibility and engagement with customers.

Optimisation of local SEO

Optimising local SEO is an indispensable tool for businesses wishing to draw and keep customers in their specific geographic area. It's all about improving a company's online visibility and reaching out directly to targeted consumers nearby.

This process involves tailoring your website content, metadata, keywords, and backlinks for the geographical location of your business. Updating pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns with locally relevant keywords can also enhance local SEO results, increase site traffic, and improve conversion rates.

Additionally, including your business name, address, phone number (NAP), or schema markup on your website supports consistency across different digital platforms which fosters trust among potential clients; this is the essence of optimising local SEO strategies.

Managing and enhancing customer reviews

Fostering a strong online reputation hinges on adeptly managing and enhancing customer reviews. Here's how you can navigate this landscape:

  • Drive customer reviews by asking directly: Persuade your customers to take some time to give a review about your services.
  • Monitor reviews constantly: Keep an eye on the reviews coming in, and be sure to address any negative remarks swiftly and professionally.
  • Develop a response strategy: Create a plan for how you'll respond to both positive and negative feedback, giving enough thought about maintaining consistent brand voice.
  • Foster transparency with review responses: Respond openly and honestly to critiques, demonstrating business integrity.
  • Integrate review management tools into your website design: Utilise these tools so that it becomes easier for customers to rate their experience with a click or two.
  • Leverage customer reviews for local SEO: Use favourable testimonials as user-generated content to improve search engine ranking.
  • Engage proactively with satisfied customers: Encourage loyal clients who have had positive experiences with your brand to write glowing Yelp reviews.

Utilising social media and local hashtags

Harnessing the power of social media platforms proves crucial in advancing your local online marketing strategies. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer targeted advertising options enabling businesses to reach a specific local audience.

These interactive platforms further provide opportunities for active engagement with customers enhancing brand loyalty and recognition. One notable strategy involves the use of local hashtags that can significantly increase business visibility within a particular geographical area.

Consistent usage of relevant local hashtags not only boosts your posts' discoverability but also firmly establishes your brand's presence among potential customers in the locality.

It is equally essential to post content that resonates with the local audience, prompts interaction, and ultimately nurtures long-lasting customer relationships.

Creating localised content

Creating localised content is a crucial aspect of implementing top local online marketing techniques. By tailoring your content to be relevant and specific to the local audience, you can effectively connect with potential customers in your area.

This can include using location-specific keywords, referencing local landmarks or events, and addressing the unique needs and preferences of your target market. Localised content not only helps improve your brand's visibility in local searches but also establishes a stronger connection with the community.

It shows that you understand their needs and are invested in serving them specifically. So, whether it's blog posts, social media updates, or website copy, make sure to create content that resonates with your local audience.

Effective utilisation of Google and Bing Ads

Google and Bing Ads are powerful tools for local businesses to maximize their online presence. By strategically utilizing these advertising platforms, businesses can increase their visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately boost sales.

With Google Ads, businesses can target potential customers in specific locations using various ad types such as search ads, display ads, and shopping ads. Additionally, radius location targeting allows businesses to reach customers within a specific distance from their store or service area.

On the other hand, Bing Ads offer an alternative platform with a unique audience that may not be reached through Google alone. By effectively utilizing both Google and Bing Ads, businesses can drive sustained growth by increasing brand awareness and reaching potential customers who are actively searching for products or services in their local area.

Using retargeting to reach existing customers

Retargeting is a powerful strategy that allows businesses to reconnect with customers who have already shown interest in their products or services. By using tracking pixels and cookies, businesses can display targeted ads to the remaining 98% of web traffic that didn't convert on the first visit.

Platforms like Facebook and Google make it easy for businesses to create retargeting campaigns, enabling them to reach customers across different devices and platforms. This is particularly important as over half of web traffic and 60% of Google searches occur on mobile devices.

Retargeting not only helps increase brand awareness but also boosts conversions by re-engaging with interested customers.

Optimisation of Google My Business listing

Optimizing your Google My Business listing is a crucial step for local businesses to improve their online visibility and attract potential customers in the local area. By ensuring that your listing is accurate, complete, and up-to-date with relevant information such as your business name, address, phone number (NAP), operating hours, and website link, you can make it easier for people to find and contact you.

Additionally, optimizing your listing with high-quality photos of your products or services can help showcase what sets your business apart. By regularly monitoring and responding to customer reviews on Google My Business, you can also build trust with potential customers and address any concerns they may have.

The Role of Social Media in Local Online Marketing

Social media plays a crucial role in local online marketing, from promoting customer reviews and running contests to leveraging local influencers. Discover effective strategies to enhance your brand's visibility and engage with your target audience.

Read on to learn more!

Promoting customer reviews on Facebook

Promoting customer reviews on Facebook is a powerful strategy for local businesses looking to boost their online presence. These reviews help increase brand awareness and showcase a business's positive reputation to potential customers.

Encouraging customers to leave reviews on Facebook can significantly improve visibility and attract new customers who rely on reviews for information before making a decision. Additionally, running contests or giveaways on Facebook can entice local customers to engage with the business and incentivize them to write reviews.

Remarketing campaigns can also be used on Facebook to target previous customers, encouraging them to leave feedback and generate more positive reviews.

Running contests or giveaways

Running contests or giveaways on social media platforms is an effective strategy for local businesses to engage with their audience and promote their products or services. These activities can help increase a business's social media following and reach a larger local audience. By offering prizes or incentives, businesses can encourage social media users to share and promote the contest or giveaway, resulting in increased brand visibility and awareness. Additionally, these contests and giveaways provide opportunities for businesses to collect user-generated content such as reviews, testimonials, or photos that can be used for future marketing campaigns. These activities can also help generate leads and build an email marketing list, as participants often need to provide their contact information to enter. To further strengthen the connection to the local community, businesses can incorporate local elements into the contest or giveaway, such as requiring participants to visit the business location or tag local friends.

Using Facebook events and local groups

Facebook events and local groups are powerful tools for businesses looking to grow their presence in the local market. By creating and promoting events on Facebook, businesses can increase brand awareness and familiarity among their target audience.

This not only helps attract new customers but also creates opportunities for collaboration with other local businesses, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships. Additionally, joining relevant local groups allows businesses to engage directly with potential customers, share valuable content, and gain insights into the needs and preferences of the local community.

By leveraging these platforms effectively, small businesses can build a strong online presence while establishing meaningful connections within their local community.

Leveraging local influencers

Collaborating with local influencers is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to boost their online visibility and connect with their target audience on a local level. By partnering with influencers who have a strong presence in the community, businesses can tap into their existing fan base and expand their reach.

Local influencers create engaging content that resonates with the local audience, making it more likely that they will take action. These influencers also provide authentic recommendations and reviews, which greatly influence the purchasing decisions of local customers.

Working with local influencers not only increases brand credibility but also helps build trust among the local customer base.

Local influencer collaborations are an effective way for businesses to gain exposure and establish themselves as trusted authorities within their community. By leveraging the reach and influence of these individuals, businesses can effectively engage with their target audience in a meaningful way, driving them towards taking action.

Whether it's through sponsored posts or partnerships on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube, working with local influencers allows businesses to connect with potential customers on a personal level while benefiting from increased brand visibility within the community.

Importance of Mobile-Friendly Websites in Local Online Marketing

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is crucial in local online marketing. Not only does it improve your search engine rankings, but it also provides a better user experience.

When potential customers visit your mobile-friendly site, they can easily navigate and find the information they need. This enhances customer satisfaction and increases the chances of conversions.

Remember, more and more people are using their smartphones to search for local businesses while on the go. By having a mobile-friendly website, you make it easy for them to find and engage with your business anytime, anywhere.

Additionally, having a mobile-friendly website contributes to your overall online visibility and brand recognition. It improves your chances of appearing in local search results, increasing awareness of your business in the local community.

To stay ahead in today's digital landscape, update your website design to ensure it is responsive and optimized for mobile devices.

Making the Most of Local Listings and Directories

Online review sites and local business directories play a crucial role in helping businesses connect with potential customers in their local area. Here are some ways to make the most of these platforms:

  1. Get listed on popular online directories like Yelp, Google My Business, and TripAdvisor to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.
  2. Keep your directory listings updated with accurate and current information about your business, such as contact details, opening hours, and address.
  3. Monitor your listings regularly to respond to customer reviews and comments promptly. This helps build a positive reputation and improve customer satisfaction.
  4. Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on these platforms, as positive reviews can attract potential customers who rely on them for information.
  5. Be aware that some review sites like Yelp use filters that may hide certain reviews as "not recommended." Avoid actions like direct links or multiple reviews from the same IP address to prevent filtering.
  6. Take advantage of features offered by these platforms, such as creating special offers or promotions for customers who find you through the directory listings.
  7. Leverage location - specific links and backlinks from reputable websites to boost your search engine rankings and improve visibility in local search results.

The Power of Localised Email Marketing

Localised email marketing is a powerful strategy that allows businesses to target specific regions and locations. This approach is particularly beneficial for small, local businesses that are competing with larger market leaders.

By sending tailored emails to their audience in a specific area, businesses can create more personal connections and increase engagement.

One effective technique in localised email marketing is the use of custom landing pages for each campaign. These landing pages can be designed specifically for the targeted region or location, providing relevant information and offers that resonate with the recipients.

This level of personalisation helps improve conversions and encourages recipients to take action.

Another advantage of localised email marketing is its ability to generate more reviews from customers. By including review requests in emails sent to customers in a particular area, businesses can encourage them to share their feedback on platforms like Google or Yelp.

Positive reviews help boost credibility and attract new customers while negative reviews provide valuable insights for improvement.

To make emails stand out, using third-person ad copy instead of "I" or "we" can be highly effective. This approach creates a sense of authority and professionalism, increasing click-through rates and overall engagement.

Additionally, adding an emailed mobile coupon allows tracking of conversion intention and execution, providing valuable data on customer behavior.

Overall, localised email marketing offers great potential for businesses looking to engage with their target audience on a more personal level within specific regions or locations.

By leveraging this power, businesses can drive conversions, build brand loyalty, and ultimately grow their business presence locally.

Benefits of Local Online Marketing

Local online marketing offers a range of benefits, including increased visibility, enhanced customer engagement, measurable results, and the potential for local partnerships.

Increased visibility

Local online marketing offers businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility and reach in the local community. By implementing effective strategies such as optimizing local SEO, utilizing social media platforms, and creating localized content, businesses can ensure that they are more easily found by potential customers searching for products or services in their area.

This increased visibility not only helps to boost brand awareness but also enhances the chances of attracting new customers and generating more leads. With a strong online presence in the local market, businesses can establish themselves as trusted and reliable options within their community.

Enhanced customer engagement

Enhanced customer engagement is a significant benefit of local online marketing. By targeting specific geographic areas, businesses can focus their efforts on attracting and converting customers who are ready to make a purchase.

With effective local digital marketing strategies, businesses can extend their visibility within the local community, drive increased traffic to their website or store, and cultivate loyal customers.

Moreover, these strategies provide opportunities for businesses to improve their products or services based on personalized experiences and feedback from local customers. Overall, enhanced customer engagement through local online marketing leads to stronger relationships with customers and greater success for businesses.

Measurable results

Online marketing provides businesses with the ability to measure their results effectively. With tools like Google Ads and Facebook ads, local businesses can track metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment (ROI).

This data allows them to see exactly how their marketing efforts are performing and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. For example, location bid adjustments in Google Ads can help businesses identify which areas are generating the most conversions and allocate more advertising spend accordingly.

By monitoring these measurable results, businesses can continually refine their strategies and improve their overall marketing effectiveness.

Potential local partnerships

Local online marketing offers businesses the opportunity to form potential partnerships with third-party platforms like Google Ads and Facebook ads. By leveraging these partnerships, small businesses can enhance their brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Running local Facebook ads in conjunction with Google Ads can further boost brand familiarity and increase visibility within the local community. These partnerships provide access to powerful advertising tools and platforms that allow businesses to target specific locations, demographics, and interests.

By tapping into these resources, companies can maximize their marketing efforts and establish themselves as prominent players within their local market.

Moreover, partnering with popular social media platforms also opens up avenues for collaboration with local influencers or community groups. Collaborating with these influential individuals or organizations helps businesses gain credibility among target audiences who trust their recommendations.

It allows for authentic promotion of products or services through channels where potential customers are actively engaged. Through strategic collaborations, businesses can tap into existing networks of loyal followers while expanding their customer base at the same time.


In conclusion, local online marketing is essential for businesses looking to increase visibility and engage with their local audience. By implementing strategies such as optimizing local SEO, utilizing social media platforms, managing customer reviews, and creating localized content, businesses can effectively reach their target market and drive conversions.

With the power of digital marketing techniques like Google and Facebook ads, businesses can maximize their advertising spend and achieve measurable results. By understanding the importance of mobile-friendly websites, local listings, email marketing, and leveraging local partnerships, businesses can establish a strong online presence and build brand loyalty within their community.

Start implementing these tips today to boost your local online marketing efforts!


1. What is local online marketing?

Local online marketing involves strategies such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, social media ads, and Google Local Services Ads to boost the visibility of businesses in specific locations.

2. How does a business start with local internet marketing?

Starting with local internet marketing requires setting up profiles on Google's Local Business Directory and other local directories. Additionally, creating location pages with appropriate title tags and meta descriptions helps in optimizing for mobile-first indexing.

3. Is Social Media important in Local Online Marketing?

Yes! A strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn leads to increased brand awareness. This can be achieved through active posting, joining Facebook Groups relevant to your locality or engaging within the Facebook Local Marketplace.

4. Can smaller businesses benefit from using techniques like PPC ads or Mobile Ad copy?

Absolutely! Smaller businesses can effectively use PPC Ads or create appealing Mobile Ad Copy aimed at mobile users in their locale which may result in higher sales onsite.

5. How do you improve brand promotion locally using Outbound and Inbound Marketing strategies?

Outbound strategies involve working closely with community-based groups such as your local Chamber of Commerce while inbound methods entail producing quality local content for blogs along with utilizing SEO Factors to improve visibility on Regular Search Terms related to your business.

6. Are there any tools that can enhance my control over various digital assets involved in this process?

Yes! Using a Digital Asset Manager combined with Listing Management software enables efficient handling of Store-Front Images, Review Strategy implementations as well as assisting multi-location companies manage multiple Location Pages better.

Article written by Richard Roscoe
CEO and Marketing Consultant

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